miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016

Who we are?


ATPS is a not for profit association founded in 2014 composed of senior technicians from different disciplines: sociologists, psychologists, journalists, law graduates, graduates in economics, computer, etc.

The Association aims to support and promote the social, economic and cultural progress in the region of Castilla-La Mancha, through activities of research, information dissemination, and training in the fields of education, training, employment, entrepreneurship, culture and social integration.

The main tasks of the association will be based in the cooperation with public and private organizations for:
-  Improving employment opportunities.
-  Promoting entrepreneurship and self-employment in the region.
-  Fostering good practices in environmental and sustainable development.
-  Organizing activities for enhancing cultural life in the region.
-  And, in general, supporting activities for social cohesion, active citizenship and social equality.

To fulfill these goals, the ATPS Association promotes and organizes the following activities:
-  Developing social investigations, studies and reports.
-  Organizing conferences and information activities,
-  Carrying out workshops and information seminars.
-  Developing of several kinds of face-to-face courses.
-  Creating an e-learning platform for training in several areas.
-  Promoting social events and cultural projects.

Erasmus plus: Partner information
ATPS is a partner organization for Erasmus+ k2 project. In the last call of proposals, ATPS has collaborated in the development of the project proposal: “New-Care. Educational resources for developing a comprehensive care model focused on the wellbeing and dignity of older people”, which is aimed at developing a group of open educational resources to facilitate the knowledge, skills and competencies to facilitate the shift towards a comprehensive care model centered on the person in the residential centers for the elderly.

If you are interested in our activities, please contact us at: tecnicos.atps@gmail.com

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